QGIS 2.10 Pisa in Action - Shapeburst example

Here is my first offerings using QGIS 2.10 Pisa. On an Elementary Freya OS.

Remember this map?

Well I've used a wee screen capture program called Kazam to record this.
My first ever ever screen video capture is up on youtube.
This is straight from Kasam and then up to youtube, so, as for the quality, I'm going to have a good look at this to see if I can get it better for next time, but I think its pretty damn good 

yes I'm slowly catching up with the rest of the world heh.. enjoy

Applying simple Shapeburst fill style on Polygons:

Colours (in order) are as follows

Dark Blue: #8ca8b4
Light Blue: #d3edf8

Dark Beige (for outline only): #c3beab
Beige: #e7e4d5
White: #ffffff



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